Monday, January 17, 2011

Stage of Labour.

Assalamualaikum..Hye dears.....

Now I want to write about stage of labour mean the stages on delivering a baby..No experience but just want to share information here.So,if I has made a mistake, you are welcome to correct me.:-)

There are five(3) stages of labour:

1.First Stage.
The early phase is sometimes called the latent period or pre labour. The uterus starts to contract or tighten regularly. The contractions gradually become more painful.Some may not even be aware of the very early contractions and are several centimetres dilated before they realise they're in labour. As the cervix begins to open, its position in your pelvis changes, moving forwards.Contractions will be getting stronger and more frequent. They're also getting longer. Eventually they may be coming as frequently as every three to four minutes and lasting about 60 seconds - and feel very tense indeed. During the transitional phase, the cervix dilates from eight to 10 centimetres. Contractions may last as long as one to one-and-a-half minutes and occur every two to three minutes.

2.Second stage
       This is the stage of labour when your womb pushes your baby down the vagina (sometimes called the birth canal) into the world. There's often a lull at the end of the first stage when the contractions stop or come further apart. When the contractions start again, you'll feel the pressure of your baby's head between your legs. With each contraction and every push,  baby will move down through your vagina a little When baby's head is far down in your pelvis, the perineum (the area between the rectum and vagina) will begin to bulge. With each contraction the pressure of baby's head will further stretch the perineum and the opening of the vagina. baby's head begins to be born, your doctor may ask you to stop pushing and gently pant.

3.Third stage
In the third stage, you deliver the placenta - the baby's life-support system that has supplied your baby with nutrients, and taken waste products away. After the baby is born, contractions resume after a few minutes, but at a much lesser intensity. These contractions cause the placenta to peel away from the wall of the uterus and drop down into the bottom of your womb. The placenta, with the membranes of the empty bag of waters attached. Delivering the placenta usually takes from five to 15 minutes, as your doctor is most likely to actively manage this stage in order to avoid too much bleeding.

Soooooo cute..

With this I have find a video for sharing with all of you and this video is ONLY for education purpose ok..
Ok.I think that's all for now..

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